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Whole Food Plant Based | Vegan | Sugar Free | Oil Free







1 Large Green Cabbage

1 Large Head of Cauliflower or 500g Frozen Cauliflower

1 Medium Yellow Onion

1/2 Cup Vegetable Stock

5 Cloves Garlic

1 Cup Cooked Brown Rice

1 TSP Salt & Pepper


2 Cups Apple Sauce

1 Cup Tomato Sauce

1 TBSP Liquid Smoke

3 TBSP Maple Syrup







  1. Cut 3-4" of the core out of the cabbage. In a large pot boil for 8-12 minutes. Careful not to over cook.

  2. In a food processor chop the cauliflower, onion and garlic.

  3. In a large pan dry saute the onion and garlic. Add in the cauliflower and veggie stock. Cook until cauliflower is soft. About 8 minutes.

  4. Add in the rice and mix well. Allow to cool.

  5. In a medium sauce pan combine the apple sauce, tomato sauce, liquid smoke and maple syrup. Bring to a boil and then remove from heat.

  6. Carefully peel single leaves off the cabbage.

  7. By hand form the Cabbage and Rice mixture into logs about 2"-3" long.

  8. Place the logs inside a cabbage leaf and roll. Secure with a tooth pick.

  9. Place Cabbage Rolls into a non-stick roaster with a lid.

  10. Cover the Cabbage Rolls with the Apple - Tomato Sauce.

  11. Roast for 40 minutes on 400F.




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