Whole Food Plant Based : Vegan
1/2 Cup Raw Cashews Soaked*
1 Cup Sun Dried or Dehydrated Tomatoes
1 Medium Yellow or White Onion Chopped
3 Cloves Garlic or 3 TBSP Garlic Powder
1 Can Diced Tomatoes (750 ml or 3 Cups not drained)
1 TBSP each Oregano, Basil & Black Pepper
1 1/2 Cup Plant Milk
1 Cup Vegetable Stock
2 TBSP Nutritional Yeast (Optional)
1/2 Cup Chopped Carrots
You can prepare this soup in a deep sauce pan or an Instantpot!
Saute Onions & Garlic for 3-4 minutes until soft.
Add all other ingredients. If using a deep pan, cook on medium heat covered for 35-40 minutes. Stir occasionally. If using an Instantpot set for 20 minutes on the "Soup" setting. Make sure to close the pressure valve!
Transferred to a high speed blender (Vitamix or Blendtec) and blend until smooth. Makes 5 cups or 4 servings.
* A note about soaking nuts~ First off make sure you are using Raw, none salted, none roasted nuts. Secondly the length of time you will need to soak varies! If you have never made a recipe with soaked nuts before, I would suggest soaking them over night or at least 3 hours. If you have a good blender (Vitamix or Blentec) you may find that soaking for an hour and then cooking them in this recipe is enough to soften them before blending. You can soak raw nuts too long! Some will get slimy and smell funny if you don't used them within 10-12 hours of soaking!