Whole Food Plant Base : Vegan : Oil Free : Sugar Free
Great for Pizza, Pasta, Grilled Cheese or Quesadillas!
1/4 Cup Raw Cashews soaked in water for 1 hour
1 cup peeled and diced white Potatoes
1 cup peeled and diced White Carrots OR Parsnips
1 TBSP Mustard Powder
1 TBSP Nutritional Yeast
1 TBSP Tahini
2 Cloves Garlic
1/2 Cup Plant Milk
1 TSP Smoked Paprika
1 TSP Salt (optional)
1/4 Cup Smooth Tofu
2 Cups Water for boiling
Boil the veggies for 10 minutes until soft. Add all ingredients into a high powered blender. I love my Blendtec for this.
Spread on flatbread to make a Quesadilla, between two slices of bread for a grilled cheese, or drizzle on Pizza before baking. Serve with pasta & mushrooms for a creamy dish!
Stores in the fridge for 1 week. Makes 500ml
I always triple batch this and fill my freezer. It lasts about 3 months in the freezer. After defrosting you may want to blend it back up before heating.